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From Italy to Fiji to Emerald Heights

September 25, 2017

“Being in some type of sales for most of my professional life can translate to many interesting opportunities in diverse industries,” said Peggy Bush, Sales & Move-in Associate at Emerald Heights. Peggy certainly has had an eventful career prior to working with Emerald Heights. While she always felt drawn to the senior living industry, she had the chance to explore other passions and careers earlier on.

With a degree in French and Music from University of California at Sacramento, she had her heart set on being an international flight attendant, which she loved doing for five years. Her favorite places to visit? “Italy and Fiji – incredible history, great food and beautiful beaches!” After she had a fascinating experience travelling around the world, she moved on to one of her fondest jobs working in the corporate offices for Starbucks, developing the business-to-business gift card program. One of the best perks of working there was the coffee stations on every floor where associates could make their own drinks. “I quickly put on around 15 pounds having to try all of the latte flavors that were available – I considered it a job requirement!” she laughs.

She now resides in Kirkland, Washington. While she was overjoyed to be offered a position at Emerald Heights for several reasons, the main one was her passion for the senior living industry and Emerald Heights as a premier Life Plan Community. “I feel very fortunate to continue my career here, and am always extremely proud to show our marvelous community to our many prospects,” she shares.

In her role at Emerald Heights, she is responsible for helping the new residents plan their move to the community. She assists them in everything, from making selections of finishes for their apartment, to coordinating their move with vendors for a smooth transition. She also works with prospects to introduce them to the community, answer their questions and join in their excitement when they decide to make Emerald Heights their new home.

While the position has been a bit of a learning curve, she’s gained a great appreciation for the entire move-in process. “The staff does an amazing job at helping each other and working together to make the move easy for residents. It’s such a rewarding experience to be a part of this new and exciting chapter in our resident’s lives!” she exclaims.